Manual Toggle Press Fixture
TCA designed and built this manual toggle press fixture for a customer in the electronics assembly industry. The specications required that it align components by centering them mechanically on their datum surfaces, apply a specified level of force for a precise dwell time to attach, and maintain an assembly tolerance of ±0.1 mm.
Our engineering team created a 3D CAD model for this xture that incorporates a vacuum nest; a xed datum corner locator, a clamping corner locator, and y-axis centering nest tooling. In addition, they designed a vacuum generator circuit that would ensure precise and repeatable force and dwell time for the assembly process.
Manufactured in-house from Semitron® ESD, chosen for its static dissipative properties, the xture was tested to verify that it operated exactly per specications and shipped to the customer within a three week turnaround time.